These services are highly individualized. I advise students on their interests and abilities and we work together to create a list of colleges that fit the individual student. In order to communicate effectively with students from all over the world, I use in-person meetings, online video conferencing, email, and phone.
Ideally I begin working with students either at the end of their sophomore year or the beginning of their junior year. But, if your 9th or 10th grader needs help with academic planning and summer options, I am available for that. Also, some students struggle to get started in the college planning process so if you have a senior who fits that description, don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss what we can do.
What I offer:
- In-depth interview with student to discuss his or her educational goals
- Assessment of academic record including high school profile, transcript, projected coursework
- Evaluation of interests, skills, and abilities including extracurricular activities
- Provide current and accurate information on college admissions and enrollment policies
- Exploration of college attributes including locations, size, cost, academic requirements, majors, athletics, and other individualized interests
- Determining testing schedule and discuss the differences between the SAT and ACT
- Preparation for college visits and interviews
- Guidance on teacher/counselor recommendations
- Information and guidance on Early Decision/Early Action options
- Assistance on developing and finalizing a list of “best fit” colleges
- Assistance with essay development and revision
- Assistance with editing and evaluating applications
- Financial Aid advising: FAFSA, CSS Profile, need & merit based scholarships
- Review of all college/university acceptances
- Review of financial aid packages
For those of you who need only help with essays, depending on my availability, I offer a smaller essay package.
The Essay Package includes:
- Brainstorming essay topics
- Developing essays and revision
- Includes Common Application personal statement and supplemental essays, the University of California application essays, and the Coalition application essays.